Young-Jun Kim

Young-Jun Kim


Postdoctrol fellow

I am currently a Postdoctral Fellow in Advanced Functional Polymers Center (advisor: Dr. Yun Ho Kim) at the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology. Before I join KRICT, I received a doctorate in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University (advisor: Prof. Sang-Woo Kim). I have funding (Sejong Science Fellowship, Domestic Track, 5 years, 100,000,000 KRW/year ≒ 72,000 USD/year), and I can use this funding abroad for 1 year whenever I want.

My primary interest lies in energy harvesting based on mechanical movement and its applications in biomedical engineering. I synthesize biocompatible materials for triboelectric and piezoelectric energy harvesting, primarily using them in implantable medical devices, such as those for neuromodulation, pain blocking, and wound healing. Additionally, I utilize these materials for pathogen control, employing electroporation to inactivate airborne and waterborne pathogens.

  • Energy harvesting
  • Biocompatible materials
  • Wireless energy transfer
  • Pathogen control
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Ph.D. in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, 2023.08

    Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2019.02

    Hanyang University


Featured papers

Wireless acousto-electric pain control with monolithic bioresorbable polymer
Y.-J. Kim#, S.-H. Kim#, B.-J. Park#, J. Jeon, D. Kang, Y. Chung, J.-H. Hwang, H.-J. Yoon, K. H. Lee*, B.-O. Choi*, S.-W. Kim*, TBD, submitted.
Wireless acousto-electric pain control with monolithic bioresorbable polymer
Unconventional piezoelectricity in twisted multi-layer molybdenum disulfide
Y.-J. Kim#, P. Zhao#, J. Shin#, T. H. Kim, A. Sohn, H.-J. Yoon, S. Jeon, S.-H. Kim, S.-W. Kim*, TBD, submitted.
Unconventional piezoelectricity in twisted multi-layer molybdenum disulfide
Sustainable triboelectric energy harvesting for simultaneous acoustic power transfer and communication
Y. Chung#, H. Yuan#, Z. Wang#, J.-M Jeong, B.-J. Park, J.-H. Hwang, B.-O. Choi, H. Park, Y.-J. Kim*, K. Dai*, S.-W. Kim*, TBD, submitted.
Sustainable triboelectric energy harvesting for simultaneous acoustic power transfer and communication
Body-coupled energy enabling unrestricted microbial disinfection using polymer nanorods
Y.-J. Kim#, Z.-Y. Huo#, H. Dai, D.-M. Lee, I.-Y. Suh, J.-H. Hwang, Y. Chung, H. Y. Lee, Y. Du, W. Ding, X. Wang, S.-W. Kim*, Nature Water, 2, 360-369 (2024). Covered by News & Views in Nature Water, Highlighted in Nature 628, 693 (2024)
Body-coupled energy enabling unrestricted microbial disinfection using polymer nanorods
High-Performing and Capacitive-Matched Triboelectric Implants Driven by Ultrasound
Y.-J. Kim#, J. Lee#, J.-H Hwang#, Y. Chung, B. J. Park, J. Kim, S.-H. Kim, H.-J. Yoon, S.-M. Park*, S.-W. Kim*, Advanced Materials, 36, 2307194 (2024)
High-Performing and Capacitive-Matched Triboelectric Implants Driven by Ultrasound
Self-powered microbial blocking textile driven by triboelectric charges
I.-Y. Suh#, Y.-J. Kim#, B.-Q. Chen, P. Zhao, D. S. Cho, M. Kang, Z.-Y. Huo*, S.-W. Kim*, Nano Energy 110, 108343 (2023)
Self-powered microbial blocking textile driven by triboelectric charges
Self-powered Fine Dust Filtration System Using Triboelectrification Induced Electric Field
Y.-J. Kim#, H. T. Kim#, J. H. Lee#, I.-Y. Suh, S.-W. Kim*, Nanoscale Research Letters 17, 1-9 (2022)
Self-powered Fine Dust Filtration System Using Triboelectrification Induced Electric Field
Virus blocking textile for SARS-CoV-2 using human body triboelectric energy harvesting
M. Kang#, N.-Y. Jang#, Y.-J. Kim#, H.-J. Ro#, D. Kim, Y. Kim, H. T. Kim, H. M. Kwon, J.-H. Ahn, B.-O. Choi, N.-H. Cho*, and S.-W. Kim*, Cell Reports Physical Science* 3, 100813 (2022)
Virus blocking textile for SARS-CoV-2 using human body triboelectric energy harvesting
Triboelectrification induced self-powered microbial disinfection using nanowire-enhanced localized electric field
Z.-Y. Huo#, Y.-J. Kim#, I.-Y. Suh, D.-M. Lee, J. H. Lee, Y. Du, S. Wang, H.-J. Yoon, and S.-W. Kim*, Nature Communications 12, 1-11 (2021) Covered by domestic news (Dong-A Ilbo, etc.)
Triboelectrification induced self-powered microbial disinfection using nanowire-enhanced localized electric field

Full publication list

(Google scholar)

First authored papers

  1. Y.-J. Kim#, Z.-Y. Huo#, H. Dai#, D.-M. Lee, I.-Y. Suh, J.-H. Hwang, Y. Chung, H. Y. Lee, Y. Du, W. Ding, X. Wang, S.-W. Kim*, Body-coupled energy enabling unrestricted microbial disinfection using polymer nanorods, Nature Water 2, 360-369 (2024), Covered by News & Views in Nature Water, Highlighted in Nature 628, 693 (2024)
  2. Y.-J. Kim#, J. Lee#, J.-H Hwang#, Y. Chung, B. J. Park, J. Kim, S.-H. Kim, H.-J. Yoon, S.-M. Park*, S.-W. Kim*, High-performing and capacitive-matched triboelectric implants driven by ultrasound, Advanced Materials 36, 2307194 (2024), Covered by Fobes, Parkinson’s News Today, News-medical, etc.
  3. I.-Y. Suh#, Y.-J. Kim#, B.-Q. Chen, P. Zhao, D. S. Cho, M. Kang, Z.-Y. Huo*, S.-W. Kim*, Self-powered microbial blocking textile driven by triboelectric charges, Nano Energy 110, 108343 (2023)
  4. Y.-J. Kim#, H. T. Kim#, J. H. Lee#, I.-Y. Suh, S.-W. Kim*, Self-powered Fine Dust Filtration System Using Triboelectrification Induced Electric Field, Nanoscale Research Letters 17, 1-9 (2022)
  5. M. Kang#, N.-Y. Jang#, Y.-J. Kim#, H.-J. Ro#, D. Kim, Y. Kim, H. T. Kim, H. M. Kwon, J.-H. Ahn, B.-O. Choi, N.-H. Cho*, and S.-W. Kim*, Virus blocking textile for SARS-CoV-2 using human body triboelectric energy harvesting, Cell Reports Physical Science 3, 100813 (2022)
  6. Z.-Y. Huo#, Y.-J. Kim#, I.-Y. Suh, D.-M. Lee, J. H. Lee, Y. Du, S. Wang, H.-J. Yoon, and S.-W. Kim*, Triboelectrification induced self-powered microbial disinfection using nanowire-enhanced localized electric field, Nature Communications 12, 1-11 (2021) Covered by domestic news (Dong-A Ilbo, etc.)

Contributing authored papers

  1. Y. Chung#, J.-M. Jeong#, J.-H. Hwang#, Y.-J. Kim, B.-J. Park, D. S. Cho, Y. Cho, S. J. Suh, B.-O. Choi, H. Park*, H.-J. Yoon*, S.-W. Kim*, Gigantic triboelectric power generation overcoming acoustic energy barrier using metal-liquid coupling, Joule, online published (2024)
  2. M. Kang#, H. Yum#, H. T. Kim#, B. J. Park, Y. Choi, H. J. Kim, Y. Cho, Y.-J. Kim, D.-M. Lee, D.-G. Lee, H.-C. Song, S. H. Nam, J. H. Lee*, B.-O. Choi*, S.-W. Kim*, Self-Powered Electrical Bandage Based on Body-Coupled Energy Harvesting, Advanced Materials, online published (2024)
  3. I.-Y. Suh#, Z.-Y. Huo#, J.-H. Jung#, D. Kang, D.-M. Lee, Y.-J. Kim, B. Kim, J. Jeon, P. Zhao, J. Shin, S. Kim, S.-W. Kim*, Highly efficient microbial inactivation enabled by tunneling charges injected through two-dimensional electronics, Science Advances 10, eadl5067 (2024)
  4. J. Kim#, D.-M. Lee#, H. Ryu, Y.-J. Kim, H. Kim, H.-J. Yoon, M. Kang, S. S. Kwak*, S.-W. Kim*, Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Battery-Free Wireless Sensor System Using Multi-Degree of Freedom Vibration, Advanced Materials Technologies 9, 2301427 (2024)
  5. D. Kang#, J.-H. Hwang#, Y.-J. Kim, Z. Pin, H. Y. Lee, J. Kim, M. S. Shin, S. Jeon, S. Kim, S.-W. Kim*, Contact electrification controlled by material deformation-induced electronic structure changes, Materials Today 72, 109-116 (2023)
  6. B. Kim#, H.-J. Yoon#, Y.-J. Kim, B.-J. Park, J.-H. Jung, S.-W. Kim*, Ultrasound-Driven Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Biocompatible 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate, ACS Energy Letters 8, 3412 (2023)
  7. Z.-Y. Huo, Y.-J. Kim, Y. Chen, Y. Du, D. Xia, S.-W. Kim*, Q. Yuan*, Hybrid energy harvesting systems for self-powered sustainable water purification by harnessing ambient energy, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 17, 118 (2023) (review articles)
  8. X. Meng#, X. Xiao#, S. Jeon, D. Kim, B.-J. Park, Y.-J. Kim, N. Rubab, S. Kim, S.-W. Kim*, An Ultrasound‐Driven Bioadhesive Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Instant Wound Sealing and Electrically Accelerated Healing in Emergencies, Advanced Materials 35, 2209054 (2023)
  9. I. M. Imani#, B. Kim#, X. Xiao, N. Rubab, B.-J. Park, Y.-J. Kim, P. Zhao, M. Kang, S.-W. Kim*, Ultrasound‐Driven On‐Demand Transient Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Subcutaneous Antibacterial Activity, Advanced Science 10, 2204801 (2023)
  10. B.-G. Park#, C. Lee#, Y.-J. Kim, J. Park, H. Kim, Y. Jung, J. S. Ko, S.-W. Kim, J.-H. Lee*, H. Cho*, Toxic micro/nano particles removal in water via triboelectric nanogenerator, Nano Energy 100, 107433 (2022)
  11. M. Kang#, M. S. B. Khusrin#, Y.-J. Kim, B. Kim, B.-J. Park, I. Hyun, I. M. Imani, B.-O. Choi, S.-W. Kim*, Nature-derived highly tribopositive ϰ-carrageenan-agar composite-based fully biodegradable triboelectric nanogenerators, Nano Energy 100, 107480 (2022)
  12. Z.-Y. Huo#, D.-M. Lee#, J.-M. Jeong#, Y.-J. Kim, J. Kim, I.-Y. Suh, P. Xiong, S.-W Kim*, Microbial Disinfection with Supercoiling Capacitive Triboelectric Nanogenerator, Advanced Energy Materials 12, 2103680 (2022)
  13. D.-M. Lee#, N. Rubab#, I. Hyun, W. Kang, Y.-J. Kim, M. Kang, B. O. Choi*, S.-W. Kim*, Ultrasound-mediated triboelectric nanogenerator for powering on-demand transient electronics, Science Advances 8, eabl8423 (2022)
  14. Z.-Y. Huo, D.-M. Lee, Y.-J. Kim, and S.-W. Kim*, Solar-induced hybrid energy harvesters for advanced oxidation water treatment, iScience 24, 102808 (2021) (review articles)
  15. Z.-Y. Huo, D.-M. Lee, S. Wang, Y.-J. Kim, and S.-W. Kim*, Emerging Energy Harvesting Materials and Devices for Self-Powered Water Disinfection, Small Methods 5, 2100093 (2021) (review articles)
  16. H.-J. Yoon#, D.-M. Lee#, Y.-J. Kim, S. Jeon, J.-H. Jung, S. S. Kwak, J. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Kim, and S.-W. Kim*, Mechanoreceptor-Inspired Dynamic Mechanical Stimuli Perception based on Switchable Ionic Polarization, Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2100649 (2021)

Awards and Honors

  • Sejong Science Fellowship (Domestic Track, 5 years, 100,000,000 KRW/year ≒ 72,000 USD/year)

    *Allowed to be dispatched to overseas research institute for 1 year

  • Samsung Humantech Silver Medal (2023)
  • Outstanding Poster Presentation Award (12th TBIS)
  • Energy Technology Innovation Ideas (Ministry of Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy)
  • SKKU Research Matters
  • Best Paper Award (PVSEC-30 & GPVC 2020)
  • SKKU Best Paper Award
  • The Best Outstanding Master/Ph.D Student Award, BK21 Program
  • Best Presentation Award (NCC 2022)
  • Excellent Student Presentation Award (ECS 242nd Meeting)


  • Application (KOREA): 9
  • Registration (KOREA): 16
  • Application (USA): 7
  • Registration (USA): 2

Patented Technology Transfer

  1. KR Application No. 10-2020-0062731, No. 10-2020-0140031, SEMS Co., Ltd., (85,000,000 KRW)

  2. KR Application No. 10-2020-0099247, SEMS Co., Ltd., (58,000,000 KRW)

  3. KR Application No. 10-2020-0056913, US Application No. 17/110,673, SEMS Co., Ltd., (79,000,000 KRW)

  4. KR Application No. 10-2020-0145170, US Application No. 17/510,675 Energymining Co., Ltd., (300,000,000 KRW)